Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jenna Bush

I like Jenna Bush. I just do. She is funny, smart, and fabulous and I would like to be her.

Her Texas Monthly cover came out last summer when I was home, and I read every word of her ridiculously long interview-she is seriously impressive.

She is clearly a girl after my own heart..I tend to stick my tongue out at all of the adoring paparazzi that stalk me around Provo.

She is getting married in Crawford next month, and Care informed me that her wedding details will be in the new issue of Vogue next week...that will definitely call for a special trip to the B &N.LOVEEEEEEEEEE the dresses for her house party......

Care asked me if I was going to be shut my creepiness up I'm sure...and i think I could swing it..I'll just go creep around Waco for a while and hitch a ride.


Lindsay said...

what, no entry today?? i am OBSESSED with gossip girl. it is taking all of my self control and love for you to not watch it right now

Daniel said...

what in the heck does swish mean? this requires much making fun of...sorry, but you you will understand

Courtney Nielson said...

yeah don't worry..i was just waiting for you to get back from your cruise to make fun of me..luckily i'm immune after 20 some odd years of brotherly torture....