Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Things we can take away from this cover:

-Shiloh is the original gerber baby/she is the Miss America of the Brangelina clan
-Brad and Angelina are much happier and better people/parents/humanitarians than any of us are or could ever hope to be
-Vivienne Marcheline came with a free shot of collagen
-Pax, Maddox, and Zahara are living in the dog house out back of the French chateau
-Angelina is SO in touch with her motherly house dress side-she really is just like us
-Brad really should shave


Lindsay said...

and they love the baby on the right more

Josh and Lar said...

that's what I was going to say! Neither of them are looking at the poor baby on the left! Court, I loved your observations!