Friday, July 25, 2008

Kitchen Essentials

Marketing at its finest. I want to be that girl in the lunch room with the yummy looking fish. Don't lie, you have seen the commercials, and you want to be cool too. This led me to yell on the frozen food aisle..where is the cool fish?! I want the cool fish!! With no cool fish to be found, I settled for the grilled chicken and penne pasta, but oh boy, you should have heard me when I found out that caramel apples were included! Revenge for my lack of kids cuisine growing up!

After living on my own for three years, and trying in spurts here in there to become a legitimate domestic goddess, I have determined that I will just stick with lean cuisines, grapefruit, water and an occasional useless gadget from Williams-Sonoma.

Exhibit A: Gravy/Fat separator...I don't have any fat or gravy with which to separate, but boy could I have some fun messing with this thing.

Mom will be so proud.

1 comment:

Carolyn said...

Is that really you in the pink??? I AM proud!!!