Thursday, May 22, 2008

American Idol

There was a blood curdling scream in my apartment that could be heard throughout Provo last night. And, that was just for Jason Castro...hallelujah is right. Although I saw it coming, our little Archie came in second. Cook has been growing on me lately-this may be solely based on his looks-so I wasn't entirely disappointed. Archuleta's duet with OneRepublic was SICK though, you can't deny him that. Oh, and George Michael-you're not relevant anymore, and you should probably be in jail for exposing yourself or something of the like..seriously where do they get these people?

There was unsightly belly exposure at the end.. and that just ain't right.

At least my Tueday and Wednesday nights will be free again..until next January.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey remember that one time when you could see david cook's nasty stomach?
(if you didn't notice.. it's in that picture right there)