Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The one where I went to Oceanside..

Big fan of the beach. Big fan of my friends. Really happy when these things can coincide.

I'm too lazy to post the hundreds of photos from Rie, but here is a sampling.

We: sampled every Mexican joint in the San Diego metro area..went to breakfast looking like pier hobos, celebrated Ty's birthday with a construction cake...went to the temple..still looking like pier hobos...got lobster blister burned..that was mostly just me...paid $400 to see the Fray, but mostly just Jack's Mannequin (DARK BLUE, DARK BLUE)..muahaha, loved famous Norwegian cousins..and their folk songs (It's no problem), had competitive races with 12 year olds (FREAKIN WADE), shaved in parking lots (AHEM), and sat blissfully on the beach for seven days.

Doesn't KK look like Zooey?
The correct answer is yes. You can marry Benjamin Gibbard, afterall!

On to Oslo, Summer 2010!

1 comment:

Allison McCumber said...

I miss trips like this together with my best buddies. How was summer in 2010? And 2011? Where did you go? You could've done more of these in many places! But you should never forget to reminisce on the shore, even for a day. It's relaxing!