Thursday, August 27, 2009

Lubb Lubb

We took Whit to school last weekend.
I mean, wouldja just look at the beauty west Texas has to offer?
Who wouldn't choose Tech?

I keed. The campus is pretty...the football is great...and everyone likes good country music.

with miles of arid plains....
..comes miles of sunflower fields and big Texas sky.

Wreck em Tech. kinda.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Baby fame

This little nugget came into the store today.
Who is this little nugget, you ask?
Only the elite celeb stalkers/pathetic celebupsychostalkers may know.

Jessica Alba spawn.

Her ma came in a couple weeks ago, but Honor is rolling solo these days.
......solo with her scary 16 year old nanny.

I recognized her like she was freaking Brad Pitt.
I should look into getting a life, my knowledge of celebs and celeb spawn is teetering on dangerous.

Me and Honor are totes hitting up Le Deux when she gets back to LA...we're besties now.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

It makes your hair shiny and smooth

Recent Conversation with snooty hair stylist:

SHS: What kind of shampoo are you using?

What should I be using?

SHS: Just something low in aasdlkjfates and saiodsdndrates. Whatever you're using is working great.

I really stuck it to the Frederick Fekkai man on that one.
Had I said I was using the $1.37 food stamp shampoo, I would have been scolded and been told to buy 3 oz. of Bumble & Bumble for $25.00 in order to save my hair.

Ain't happenin.

Unless, of course, you want to donate to the cause. The Bumble & Bumble samples I stole from a boutique last week are about to run out.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The one where I went to Oceanside..

Big fan of the beach. Big fan of my friends. Really happy when these things can coincide.

I'm too lazy to post the hundreds of photos from Rie, but here is a sampling.

We: sampled every Mexican joint in the San Diego metro area..went to breakfast looking like pier hobos, celebrated Ty's birthday with a construction cake...went to the temple..still looking like pier lobster blister burned..that was mostly just me...paid $400 to see the Fray, but mostly just Jack's Mannequin (DARK BLUE, DARK BLUE)..muahaha, loved famous Norwegian cousins..and their folk songs (It's no problem), had competitive races with 12 year olds (FREAKIN WADE), shaved in parking lots (AHEM), and sat blissfully on the beach for seven days.

Doesn't KK look like Zooey?
The correct answer is yes. You can marry Benjamin Gibbard, afterall!

On to Oslo, Summer 2010!

Download Me

I heard this girl at the end of Ruby the other night (the episode where she can't remember her childhood and is upset..please tell me you people watch this show, I LOVE THIS WOMAN)....anyway...

Download Sara Haze-"Lovely". Her voice is fantastic. Perfect for emo moments.

Post Grad

This will probably be formulaic and stupid, but $9 will be sucked out of my shrinking bank account because Rory and Matt Saracen are the main characters. Oh, and it's also about my life. It really is great irony, Fox Searchlight...getting poor, lost, recently graduated kids in an economy down the crapper to shell out money in search of a cathartic experience.

Too deep?
Did I mention Matt Saracen?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Nugget Nielson

....This little nugget was born last Wednesday

Sadie Rose Nielson

I have fully accepted that my mother loves her more than any of us-as evidenced by the mounds of various and assorted baby crap taking over our home. She immediately became the desktop picture on her computer. It must be mentioned that her none of her first born have ever been deemed important enough to be on her desktop,we've always been second to default nature pictures.

So congrats Miss Sadie, you win this battle.

Whit and I titled this one "ball of nugget"
Daniel, in true Daniel form, compared her to these two.
(Yes, Daniel, I had to google them)

I can't wait to see her and buy her love!

Beach pics coming soon....