Tuesday, April 7, 2009

"It's bananas homie"

Ah, yes. The Hills have returned. Faker and filled with more collagen than ever.

Exhibit AThe new lips look great,Stephanie!

And poor Lauren had a surprise party..thrown on a yacht...and she was forced to advertise for Avon all the while.
Exhibit B.I think it might be juicy berry.
Way to endorse, LC!

The most shocking moment of the night was to find out that Spencer is still, in fact, a douchebag of epic proportions.
When does the story actually arc? Do douchebags ALWAYS stay douchebags? You've got five seasons under your belt, Spency..lets change things up.
Exhibit C.
Maybe if I date him he will pay for my plastic surgery with his phantom, non-existent job!

The best moment of the night came right about...here.
Perfection, girls.
The acting classes have really paid off.
Heid looked like the glitter eggs that Kendy and I attempted last night...except with more plastic, blonde weave and face foundation that is applied with a trowel!

REALITY TV at its finest!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

best part of the episode:

spencer: "let's roll"

bahahaha i about peed my pants.