Monday, April 13, 2009

Bless your little hearts

We had some quotables during Church yesterday.

Random married speaker:
"I know this is a singles ward, so you don't have the hope of an eternal companion to cling on to like I do..but...."

Maybe he was going with the theme of Easter and hope and somehow got sidetracked by the fact that all single people are apparently hopeless and alone.

Random engaged speaker:

"Not to rub it in, but I'm getting married in two weeks and getting out of here. I'll send you a postcard from the family ward."

Yes, please send me a postcard from your one bedroom basement apartment in Provo.

That was not the worst of it though.

Said engaged couple sat on the stand for the rest of the meeting like this:

Once again, I wish I was kidding, but this really happened..for an hour. I didn't know what to do with myself. It was like looking at a car wreck. I wanted to look away, but I just couldn't believe that two people found this to be socially acceptable and I couldn't avert my eyes.

I know my grandpa would have found this to be truly egregious.

The moral of the story is that singles wards are holding cells for real life, apparently.
I must have missed that in the brochure.


Lindsay said...

kill me. too funny.

Unknown said...

hi, just wanted to say i found your blog while googling anthropologie (and the image of the storefront from a while back came up, which i borrowed) but i wanted to let you know i kind of love your posts. they're truly funny!

Lindsay said...

i can't believe you haven't commented on my blog yet. you must be really busy with school or something. and packing for vegas.

Becky said...

I found your blog through Jamie Ward's blog, her mom joni is my good friend. but I had to make the comment that I saw a couple doing the same thing in the temple, in the celestial room (after our session) and was totally grossed out. I thought they were going to start makin out right there. it's uncalled for.