Thursday, May 7, 2009

So I have a bit of time on my hands...

Who's been watching Gossip Girl?
If you haven't, I would like to introduce you to my husband.

Gabriel the ponzi scheme douche.
Hey, you can't be too picky in this economy.

In real life:


My age

Heir to quite the family name

Dresses like a champ

ONE little problem:

His name.


This fact makes my television lust blog-worthy.

If he could promise a lifetime supply of baking soda, I might be able to overlook the issue at hand. Unfortunately, there's no connection.

Maybe I'll just move on to Mr. Colgate.


Unknown said...

armie hammer? seriously? maybe it's a stage name? cross your fingers.

Unknown said...

he's our age?? he looks so old!! the beez that plays poppy is like 31 or something. crazy, huh?

please tell me his parents didn't really name him armie.. it must be short for something, right?

p.s. this is lindsay not patti