Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Bread Bowl Boy

(blurred for the anonymity of all parties)

Care and I had a front-row seat to this freak show date last week. Bless their little hearts. Well mostly bless the boy's heart. His heart needs a lot of blessing. So does his middle school spikey hair. I think Eugene is an accurate name guess for him.

Some notables that were overheard from the mouth of Eugene :

"Well goodness, this bread bowl surprised me! It's sourdough..I've never had a sourdough bread bowl before! How surprising!"

"I just don't understand why Tina didn't like him. He's funny AND active." (Read: funny and active in your church does not equal automatic marriage)

"What's the deal with Melinda? She keeps saying she's busy...but I can't help thinking it has something to do with me."

Look, Eugene, if you keep talking about other girls and bread bowls on your dates, Melinda ain't never gonna call you back.

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